editing, writing, creating web sites

we all need a little help sometime.

maybe your time is now...


There's not much to see here, but you are welcome to poke around. This is mainly a sandbox for me, lots of pages you'll never see or find, places where I try things out from time to time before I implement them elsewhere. I used to have ideas of turning this into a business, working on web development and creating sites for clients. That turned into me helping quite a few family members and friends for a while, some even signing legit contracts for services, but has since died down to maintaining a single site, one which I'm happy to do. That's fine by me. I stay busy enough and I always find ways to learn new things.

It looks like I haven't changed this page since 2006! Given that it's 2024 as I type this, that's quite an accomplishment in its own right. But now that I'm here and changing things, maybe I'll keep it up.

The design of this page is not really something I'm as big a fan of today as I was back then, so perhaps there's a fresh look that I can get going on here, something that will feel used and loved, but easier to update and look more vibrant. We'll see what happens. Stay tuned.

Or... don't. Y'know, it took me 18 years to make this small change to the content. Who knows how long it will take me to do anything else?